Thursday, December 6, 2012

Beauty for Ashes...for Christmas

On December 12, just two years ago, a very precious little boy was tragically taken from this world.  A few months later, his family, with the gaping wound on their heart still bleeding, decided to channel their grief into something positive and lasting: a home for rescued children in Nepal.

And so the dream for Tiggy's House was born.

Now, six days from the two year anniversary of his death, this family is mere dollars away from reaching their goal.

Let's bless them with Tiggy's House, ready for construction when they go to face that tragic day.

Donating is easy.  Simply go to Tiny Hands, International and click on "Tiggy's House" in the drop down menu at "Donation Designation".

Most of the money has come in by $10-30 donations.  It doesn't take much to make a real difference.  Please, donate, share this, post on facebook.

No one would ever want to be on the road this family is on.  No one would ever choose to be a child sold into slavery by their own parents.  What do you think they want for Christmas?

It's within reach.  So let's do it.

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